Friday, July 9, 2010

Pertaining To The Quest of the Fair Unknown

Gerald Morris's The Quest of the Fair Unknown (one of The Squire's Tales) follows the adventures of Beaufils, a young man who was raised in an isolated forest by his mother. On her deathbed, Beaufils's mother begged him to leave the forest and go find his father, a knight in Camelot. So Beaufils sets off to find this mysterious father, though he doesn't know his father's name, his mother's name, or even his own real name. Once he reaches Camelot, Beaufils is caught up in a different quest: The quest for the Holy Grail.

Pros: I'm a big fan of Beaufils. He's very sweet and innocent without being a total idiot. The main woman, Lady Ellyn, is also a great character, though she's a bit too harsh on men. The ending was a pleasant surprise. The witty banter (largely between Beaufils and Ellyn) is funny.

Cons: The Holy Grail is a platter?! The vast majority of priests and hermits are portrayed as crooked, crabby, or crackpots.

My Rating: T (illegitimate children, mild sexual references)

Picture from

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