Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In Relation To Odd Hours

In Odd Hours, Dean Koontz's lovable psychic Odd Thomas is back again. This time, Odd is living with an old actor near the ocean shore. Troubled by dreams of a red ocean and a young woman, Odd is certain that something terrible is going to happen. Then he meets the young woman from his dream - a very pregnant young woman who asks for his help. Little does he know the magnitude of what her pursuers are planning.

Pros: As always, Dean Koontz is an amazing writer, and I love Odd. This book's story is pretty different from the other ones, which is good. Every series needs variety or it gets old pretty quick. There was one scene that absolutely terrified me. The scene with the mirror. *shudders*

Cons: There aren't as many dead people in this one. I mean, Odd doesn't see as many. I had the hardest time imagining the scene on the pier.

My Rating: MT (sexual references)

Picture from deankoontz.com

1 comment:

  1. I should try to find this... I love Dean Koontz' novels, and this one looks really good.


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