Tuesday, June 29, 2010

On Toy Story 3

Andy is growing up. He's leaving for college in a few short days and his mom makes him decide what to do with his old toys. Woody (Tom Hanks) will go with him to college and the other toys will go in the attic. However, a mixup happens and Woody and the gang end up at a daycare called Sunnyside, where happy little children come to play. That is, happy little children play in the Butterfly Room. The kids who populate the Caterpiller Room are another story. The toys must somehow find their way out of the daycare and back to Andy in one night - a task that requires all their courage and resourcefulness.

Pros: Somehow Pixar has been able to make each Toy Story movie better than the last when most studios can't even make a single decent sequel. This movie is both hilarious and touching, even for adults. The animation is stunning (notice the kids' hair and the cardboard boxes).

Cons: The only con was the short film Night & Day. It was boring and politically correct.

My Rating: AGC

1 comment:

  1. I just saw TS3 this weekend; it was hilarious and heartwarming at the same time. Definitely a trip down Nostalgia Lane.

    Con: I happened to like Night and Day. :)


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